Camp Information

Theme & Story

Some time ago, by the light of the waning crescent moon that heralded the beginning of Imbolc, witches gathered in person on Yuggera and Turrbal Country in Meanjin (so-called Brisbane), to vision for CloudCatcher 2024.

We dropped and opened ourselves to the spirit of CloudCatcher, to the stories of the past camps, and travelled to the future camp, to the CloudCatcher experience of 2024… and we invited the theme to make itself known, to be spoken, scribed and noticed, and to be woven into an intention. 

Afterwards, we shared stories of mythic beings and deities, of magical tools and necessary skills, to then discuss and consent on the story that could support the work of the intention and of these times we are facing...

Breathing with that for a moment, we invite you to cast your attention toward that camp, and continue reading for the theme and story we will be working with!

Our theme for 2024 camp is:

Held in shapeshifting spirals,

clear seeing eyes unveil darkness.

A roar welcomes necessary change

“it is time.”

Our story for 2024 camp is:



Art by Helen Mask.


She is the exalted one, her brow decorated by mantel, crown and halo.

She waits for us at the anvil, hammer in hand, to witness old and remembered oaths. Tempering and reforging us, she is adorned in red.

She waits for us in the well, the deep call at the bottom and the surface waters of renewal await our spirits, as she guides us to be healed, adorned in green.

She waits for us to with pen, lute and chisel, all tools of the artist as we find our story and song to carry into the world.

She dances to our music, adorned in blue. She is Brigid.

In her earliest incarnation, as Breo-Saighit, she was called the Flame of Ireland, Fiery Arrow. She was a Goddess of the forge as well, reflecting on her fire aspect.

Brigid’s Fire is truly the fire of creativity. It is responsible for the kindling of the earth in early Spring, the kindling of passion, the kindling of the body in healing, the kindling of the heart in poetry and song, the kindling of the mind in science and craft.

2024, Brigid Reading list:

The Torch of Brigid, flame tending for transformation - Erin Aurelia
Brigid- Courtney Weber
Tending Brigid's Flame - Lunea Weatherstone
Brigid - Morgan Daimler
Brigid's Light - Cairelle Crow
A Brigit of Ireland Devotional - Mael Brigde.

We would like to thank Molly Walsh and California Witchcamp for your poetry that inspires us all

Brigid, with a celtic crown, holds a flame in front of a green background. Image sourced from