CloudCatcher 2022
Dearest community!
We are delighted to announce some updates for our beloved witchcamp, as we move on into the camp experience of 2022.
I’ll begin by being very transparent in that, given the continued uncertainty that we continue to face with the ongoing pandemic; we’re not entirely sure what CloudCatcher WitchCamp may look like in 2022. As I’m sure you’re all totally aware by this stage, there is no way of knowing what the circumstances will be until closer to the date, so addressing any further questions (such as, will the Queensland borders be open? Will there be any limits or conditions on large events?) are difficult, and it would be unwise of us to presume too much at this stage.
With all that being said, we would still like to announce the Story and Theme for our upcoming ‘Camp.’ Who knows perhaps through the wisdom of the Theme and Story for 2022, new possibilities may emerge…
So... a few weeks back, witches gathered in digital space to vision for CloudCatcher 2022.
We dropped and opened ourselves to the spirit of CloudCatcher, to the stories of the past camps, and travelled to the future experience of CloudCatcher in 2022… and we invited the theme to make itself known, to be spoken, scribed and noticed, and to be woven into an intention. Afterwards, we shared stories of mythic beings and deities, of magical tools and necessary skills, to then discuss and consent on the story that could support the work of the intention and of these times we are facing...
Breathing with that for a moment, I invite you to cast your attention toward that camp, and continue reading for the Theme and Story we will be working with!
THEME for CloudCatcher 2022
Surrendering to the life of tiny beings,
We weave deep time within the soil of the mountain
Balm for generations
STORY for CloudCatcher 2022
Fungi and the great turning
The earth invites you to share a breath…
With each breath
The story of our world enters our lungs, enlivens our bodies and rides our exhalations
With each breath
We breathe in billions of years of evolution and exhale offerings to the future
With each breath
We can honour all the lineages that weave our existence into being
With this breath
We might honour a lineage that nurtures life, death and regeneration like no other
As animals they are our closest relatives
We might name them fungi.
Wildly diverse, and vastly unknown, they do much work in darkness, in secret. Together our ancestral lineages have witnessed fire and ice transform the planet over and over. And here we are together, our lives interwoven... as the world balances on the brink.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the loamy soil,
Gently we go - turning turning turning - turning towards all that is here.
Journeying to the Mountain, we arrive into the world of these enchanted beings.
All around us they hum their song along mycelial networks, inviting us to be present with them. Let us journey together towards the mysteries of the fungi, witnessing the ancient knowledge of beings that have dwelled all around, and within us since our lives began…
We offer our magic to the tiny, unknown Godds who live in the ecosystems of our bodies, who dwell in the soil beneath us, who support the forests to speak, who deal in death and decay, who create raucous regeneration. With our workings we honour their wisdom and ancient power, opening our senses, to receive secrets they might share. As beings of earth, we are here, face to face with mass extinction. And tiny as we are, turning towards each other, relations, together, now, what magic might we cocreate?
We would like to thank Julie-Ann Henninger and Dan McGru for their immense help in crafting this story from all the wisdom that poured forth from the community at visioning day.
We are so excited for how this intention will assist us craft Camp for 2022,so stay tuned for updates as they come out! We will endeavour to keep you informed as we make our decisions and as certainties become more known for all of us.
Thank you for your patience and your ongoing support.
With love,
Pabs, on behalf of the Orgs